Friday, August 12, 2011

13 Explosive and Negative Characteristics of Team Members

Many teams and teamwork efforts fail due to the personal character of the members of the organization.  This does not have to take place.  If those leading a team of people could see diversity and personal differences as a positive resource to develop this could create a powerful resource of human talent.  There are certain personal behaviors that can destroy teamwork. It would help any leader to identify these personality traits. Negative characteristic can be handled and directed toward a positive creation of a team.  Getting to know these traits is the starting point.

1. Tendency to Criticize
It was once said, “A critic is a legless man who teaches running.”  Criticism can be a productive tool, however, those who have a tendency to criticize often are not productive team members. 

2. Unpredictable Mood Swings
This type of personality trait is very frustrating for any team leader.  It is hard to navigate any ship when you do not know which way the wind is going to blow.

3. Preoccupation with Self
People who are constantly thinking of themselves and themselves alone are not team players.  This type of person relates well with the Greek Narcissus.  This person can kill a team if they go unchecked.

4. Use of a Grading System for Others
Here is a person who has a tendency to grade others either from a 1 to 10 scoring system or from A,B,C,D,F grading system.  This gives them a sense of feeling good about themselves if they can place others in a lower or lesser category.  This connects well with the next characteristic.

5. Pleasure in the Failure of Others
There are some people who simply take great delight in the failure of others.  Somehow this failure makes them feel good.  This is not the type of person you want on your team.  In fact, a person who has this strong personality trait is extremely destructive for teamwork development.

6. Communication Style that Induces Guilt
There are some people that do not want others to feel good about themselves so they have become experts at inflicting guilt.  This person simply wants others to feel bad about themselves.  They talk a lot, a whole lot!  This person will make you tired because being positive is not in their nature.

7. Impatience with Shortcoming of Others
This is the “Perfect One!”  This person has no time for the weaknesses of others.  After all, they have no weakness and those with weaknesses need to get out of the way.

8. Brooding over Unpleasant Circumstances
Wow, how pleasant is this kind of individual?  This is the kind of person that always seems to have steam flowing off the top of their head.  The word “happiness” does not seem to be a part of their working vocabulary.

9. Holding Grudges and Keeping Score
Is it necessary to say much about this type of person?  These are the kind of people if you apologize to will say, “I will forgive you but I will not forget it!”

10. Tendency to Be Demanding
This person does not ask, “Would you please…..” or “Can I ask a favor of you?”  This is how they work: “Bob I need you to do it and I need you to do it right now!”  Don’t you just want to bend over backwards for this kind of person?

11. Forcefully Expressing Opinions
This person is the type that is firm, forceful, forcible, energetic, vigorous, direct, assertive, insistent; certain, definite, out-and-out, one hundred percent; decided, determined, categorical, unqualified, unconditional, unequivocal, absolute, explicit, downright, outright, clear!  Say no more!

12. Desire to Be in Control
Most teams will have to address this somewhere along the way.  There are some people who want absolute and total control and will kill teamwork in the beginning.  Having a team leader is not a bad idea but a good leader will embrace and encourage the skills of every person on the team.

13. Refusal to Be Humble
“Oh Lord, its hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way…”  This was a song that Mac Davis sang years ago (Click here for the song! When you go to the video give yourself time to get to the song).  This would be a great song to email to those who are having a hard time with humility.  Humility can stop a great deal of problems if it used by every team member.

Now these 13 characteristics could be depressing if your team had all 13.  Most teams do not have all of these characteristics in their team members but many of these will have to be addressed.  The best way to address these problems is to be direct and learn to laugh.  Admitting your own flaws before addressing the character flaws of others on the team can help create a strong teamwork environment. 
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